On 13 September 2024, the AGCRA Iron Mike Chapter conducted its second iteration of the 2024 Run - Iron Mike - Run 5K Run/Walk.

AG senior leaders and Soldiers from across the installation gathered on a rainy Fort Liberty morning to run a delightful 3.1-mile route starting on Polo Field and ending at the Iron Mike Statue.

Soldiers benefitted from the wise counsel of senior AG leaders such as COL Robert Gray, USASOC G1; COL Tina Miller, USARC G1; and accompanied by LTC Frank Castro, 82D ABN DIV G1 and SGM Ashleigh Sykes, G1 SGM.

Throughout the Run/Walk, the Iron Mike Chapter leadership reiterated the benefits of Chapter membership and endorsed Chapter initiatives and upcoming events. Soldiers also snagged some Chapter merchandise to display their pride as members of Team AG at Fort Liberty.

Thanks to all who came out!

#ShieldsUp #DefendandServe