Submitted by SGM John R. Follett
The 350th Civil Affairs Command (CACOM) G-1 hosted a 42A Training Camp and AG Workshop from May 13-23, 2024, at the Corry Station Army Reserve Center, Pensacola, Florida. G-1 SGM and AGCRA Wiregrass Chapter member SGM John Follett coordinated the event.
BG Andrée G. Carter, the 350th CACOM Commander, opened the 10-day event with comments emphasizing the Army HR professionals’ roles and responsibilities to prepare civil affairs for Large-Scale Combat Operations (LSCO). SGM DeMickel McGrigg, the USARC G-1 Sergeant Major, visited the event, addressed the Army Reserve’s current HR needs and priorities, and encouraged Soldiers to network with the Army HR community via their local (or virtual) AGCRA Chapter.
CW3(P) Jonathan Bass, the Alabama National Guard Systems Integration Branch (SIB) Chief and Multi-Systems Transformation Action Group (MSTAG) IPPS-A Futures and Budget Chair, also addressed the group regarding IPPS-A Release 3 (R3) integration and system interfaces and what units must do to prepare for future releases.
The event covered various crucial topics, including HR responsibilities to the Army's Civil Affairs mission, position and assignment management, evaluations management, military awards, and career and self-development. Self-development topics included critical thinking, leadership ethics, and followership. Moreover, attendees developed technical skills by completing real-world actions and queries in IPPS-A, iPERMS, and RCMS.
According to SGM Follett, the 350th CACOM combined the unit’s annual AG Workshop for full-time staff with a 10-day training camp for TPU HR Soldiers to enable synchronization and development among AGR and TPU S1 Soldiers as the Army Reserve transitions from IPPS-A integration to prolonged IPPS-A execution. The 350th CACOM intends to grow the 42A Training Camp concept like the Army Reserve’s Paralegal Warrior Training Course.