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AGCRA Website Redesign Implements a Social Media Framework

Welcome to our new and improved home base on the web,

We are excited for the changes we’ve made with the new site and are confident you will be as well.

Features you enjoyed on the previous site remain intact, including access to current and archived versions of 1775, newsletters, members only section, etc.

New features include a completely redesigned interface which is much more user-friendly, dynamic content, deep social integration with the ability to share content across the web, and most importantly – a renewed focus on our shared experiences as Adjutant General Corps professionals.

These are exciting leaps forward for our association and support the executive council stated intent to:

“Provide a forum for the mutual exchange and discussion of ideas and information of interest to members of the Association.”

We need your help and look forward to hearing and reading about your shared experiences! Here is how you can help support the launch of our new site and engage in the discussion:

  • Send us your local chapter news and events, to include recent recipients of association awards
  • Send us profile articles of your AG Soldiers making an impact across our Corps and Army
  • Share your experiences with us – we want to hear about your successes, challenges and ways you have made a difference in our Corps and Army
  • Send us pictures of AG Soldiers in action and photos of local chapter events
  • Continue to send professional articles to AGCRA

We look forward to your involvement and encourage you to share our new site with your fellow AG professionals as we embrace the socially-connected framework for our Corps.  Defend and serve!

Send all contributions/articles/photos to:



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